Ruins of decadence disadvantaged behind a wall of my ulterior effrontery form…
A voice deep as the hollows of a sepia ray….
of dark fading evening light…
Echoes of the eternal flames of the worlds aching heart….
its heart bleeding its blood…
in forms relentless and defying…even to the oceans…
in their most ferocious forms in the floods…
the Mephistophelian smile of an amateurish hearth…
in search for the sages of the twilight of salvation….
The inevitable maliciousness of the siren of temptation
Gazing deep…Into my eyes…
Blinded for the briefness as still as for a second…
how meretricious
I turn my sights away….
How could I ever..?
gaze into the depths of the dark ocean …
from whose blackness I doubt…
I shall ever recover…
passing by the mirror beside a tainted glass at a subway…
I gaze into my own eyes…
The identity of a lost soul among a million others….
lost in ways countless to the imagination….
Eyes as deep and deceptive…
as the smoke that seeps down my cavity of inspiration…
and ofcourse …a heart …
That heart that bleeds…
almost a slow continuous unfeeling death,…
The heart that will seize to beat one day…
without any preconceived notice ….
That will beat faster when I’m in ecstasy…
and even harder when I am in grief….
Those disgraced, destitute, insulted and blinding emotions…
blamed for every grief that ever confronted humanity…
My heart harbors those banished souls…
All the emotions that gave reality to dreams…
That gave meanings to deeds…
That ever gave any existence to the truth in love…
That made me look unto myself and realize…
This heart…. Is not my own to keep….
Looking up at the autumn leaves of the maple trees…
Feeling the wind seeping through the crowd…
of hedonistic personalities lost in perspirations for yet..…
a little more hedonism….
even the great magnanimous soul of Satan…
is capable of humanity greater and intense in realization…
to know that he is the holy incarnation of evil…
in all its reality… in all of its uniformity…and in all of its oneness…
with so many as mortals to replace him…
ohh how pertinacious of him to keep his place…
even in realities discomfiture…
My heart bleeds a little further… skips a beats few more…
The nimble siren passes a smile….
as sagacious as the capricious west winds of the north….
Her vanity misunderstanding my reality…
of a penurious soul with no heed to spend…
My lost eyes stare back at me through the mirror…
“who are you?” … confused yet elated…
they demand a question unanswerable even to my generators…
The siren lurks about teasing with effrontery boldness…
Her skin as golden as the veining sunshine of October…
pleasant yet bright…
“ I do not know”…. I answer breaking apart the cords of my restrained emotions…
One in a million….yet lost in all the millions …lost in their own dreams and fantasys..,
Whose fantasy is it that I am living?...mine?
The eyes crumble in doubt and confusion…..
greater than they could ever emulate through their seductive aura…
The siren turns away in envy unbearable…
It appeared to her in the distance…
Some seductions are stronger….
Even strongr than the golden skin of the sun’s valour…..or the smell of the spring lavenders,,..
Some seductions….
Live within a soul….
Some seductions are real…..
And the real seductions forget to set like the sun…
forget to wither like lavender,…
forget to pass by like the merry month of may…
impossible to see or feel or even acknowledge..
Yet the seductions are real….
As real as the malicious magnanimous and ruthless sense of self of satan
Somber truths surfing below….
the superficiality of the human mind….
The sages of twilight living below..
a skin refusing to feel its own pulse…
But the truth that lingers below…
Is more ferocious…
than the fires of hell…
the siren turns away…. Burns her pride… her vanity…
her hair…her golden skin… her smell fades…. She disappears….
The mortal heart beats yet another beat…
out of all the million that it already has….
Knowing yet one day out of all the million..
there will be one which shall be but the last….
“who are you?”
The eyes stare back.,,, still blank.. yet knowing…
I smile back….unable to answer…. Yet knowing…..
u r genius..
heart touching
एक सुन्दर रचना..
बहुत देर से तुम्हारे ब्लॉग पर आना हुआ, लेकिन आना सार्थक लगा।
@ How could I ever..?
gaze into the depths of the dark ocean …
from whose blackness I doubt…
I shall ever recover…
नाराज हूँ इन पंक्तियों से.. जीवन की अनंत संभावनाओं में इतना संदेह क्यों..? व्यष्टि के बिना समष्टि की संकल्पना कहाँ हो सकती है.. हर बूंद पानी की अपने आप में ही तो एक पूरा समंदर होती है.. अलग से समंदर का वज़ूद ही क्या है..? जो है, सो अकेली बूँदों का समुच्चय ही तो है..।
जीवन अनंत है, प्रकृति अनंत है, लेकिन तुम्हारे स्व में कमी कहाँ आ रही है, तुम्हारी आइडेंटिटी को किस क्राइसिस का सामना करना पड़ रहा है?? पूरी आस्था होनी चाहिये जीवन में..
गहरे से.. पूरी शिद्दत से.. लेकिन पूरे होश में रहकर इस समंदर में डूबो.. यकीन मानो, तुम्हारे अस्तित्व को कोई आँच नहीं आयेगी..!
जीवन के विविध पहलुओं को छूती, हर शुबहे को, हर संशय को शब्द रूप देती यह रचना अद्भुत है.. कोई संदेह नहीं.. मेरी अंग्रेजी वॉकैब उतना रिच भी नहीं, हो सकता है सच्ची थीम को पकड़ न पाया हूँ, लेकिन जितना समझा.. i am quite impressed..!
एक बात और.. अपने कॉलेज के एक्टिव ब्लॉगर्स के लिये एक ऑनलाइन फोरम बनाया है.. We The People
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